Agradecimiento/ In appreciation

Este blog es un agradecimiento a todas las personas que han hecho posible esta colección.

This is a little tribute to all of you who are responsible for helping me on making this collection posible.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


I dont remember by who. Thx anyway

Gift from fellow CSer, Quentin Kayser

Gift from Bia Dias

This one was a gift from a friend I met through CS, Bia Dias. Thx

Private swap, CS friend, Malaysia

Receive on July 21, 2008, sent by Jessica from CS, its a view of Sipadan Island in malaysian Borneo

Bought this one

I got this one on 2010, is about tabacco in Estelí.

Private swap, CS friend, US

I received this one Jun 12, 2008, it was sent by Sandra on a CS postcard exchange, the stamps are really damaged.

Gift from Marla Groves

This was a bday gift from my dear friend Marla Groves. Thx

Private swap, CS friend, Kornati-Dalmatia National Park

This one was received March 12, 2010, sent by my CS friend Roberto Licul.